A Seed You Plant.....
Here's an encouragement to all of us. As we go through our days, especially those in helping fields like LCing or teaching, or even just in living out interactions with people, we sometimes never know if what we say or do has an impact, life changing or not, on ANYONE. Last night at my breastfeeding class, one of 'my moms to be' shared at the end that 9 years ago, she was a student in one of the PSU undergrad classes I do guest lecturing on breastfeeding for. She told me last night that going into the class she hadn't really thought about bfing at all. After that PSU class, she was excited about and KNEW that when she was going to make babes she was for sure going to breastfeed. And then, here she was at my class, ready to do that very thing! How exciting to know that seeds planted when future parents are undergrads may sprout and grow at a later time! Thank you to those PSU prof/instructors (Gail Guss, Sherry Corneal, Molly Countermine, and Amy Stott ) for being forward thinking and breastfeeding encouragers!! (Co posted here and on Karen Foard, IBCLC facebook.)